Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012

Imlek / Tahun Baru China /Happy New Years Chinese

Tahun Baru Imlek merupakan perayaan terpenting orang Tionghoa. Perayaan tahun baru imlek dimulai di hari pertama bulan pertama (bahasa Tionghoa: 正月; pinyin: zhēng yuè) di penanggalan Tionghoa dan berakhir dengan Cap Go Meh 十五冥 元宵节 di tanggal kelima belas (pada saat bulan purnama). Malam tahun baru imlek dikenal sebagai Chúxī yang berarti "malam pergantian tahun".
Di Tiongkok, adat dan tradisi wilayah yang berkaitan dengan perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek sangat beragam. Namun, kesemuanya banyak berbagi tema umum seperti perjamuan makan malam pada malam Tahun Baru, serta penyulutan kembang api. Meskipun penanggalan Imlek secara tradisional tidak menggunakan nomor tahun malar, penanggalan Tionghoa di luar Tiongkok seringkali dinomori dari pemerintahan Huangdi. Setidaknya sekarang ada tiga tahun berangka 1 yang digunakan oleh berbagai ahli, sehingga pada tahun 2009 masehi "Tahun Tionghoa" dapat japada tahun 4707, 4706, atau 4646.
Dirayakan di daerah dengan populasi suku Tionghoa, Tahun Baru Imlek dianggap sebagai hari libur besar untuk orang Tionghoa dan memiliki pengaruh pada perayaan tahun baru di tetangga geografis Tiongkok, serta budaya yang dengannya orang Tionghoa berinteraksi meluas. Ini termasuk Korea, Mongolia, Nepal, Bhutan, Vietnam, dan Jepang (sebelum 1873). Di Daratan Tiongkok, Hong Kong, Makau, Taiwan, Singapura, Indonesia, Malaysia, Filipina, Thailand, dan negara-negara lain atau daerah dengan populasi suku Han yang signifikan, Tahun Baru Imlek juga dirayakan, dan pada berbagai derajat, telah menjadi bagian dari budaya tradisional dari negara-negara tersebut.

Tanggal perayaan

Sambutan Tahun Baru Imlek di Chinatown, London.
hewan Cabang bumi Tanggal
Tikus 19 Februari 1996 7 Februari 2008
Sapi chǒu 7 Februari 1997 26 Januari 2009
Macan yín 28 Januari 1998 14 Februari 2010
Kelinci mǎo 16 Februari 1999 3 Februari 2011
Naga chén 5 Februari 2000 23 Januari 2012
Ular 24 Januari 2001 10 Februari 2013
Kuda 12 Februari 2002 31 Januari 2014
Kambing wèi 1 Februari 2003 19 Februari 2015
Monyet shēn 22 Januari 2004 8 Februari 2016
Ayam yǒu 9 Februari 2005 28 Januari 2017
Anjing 29 Januari 2006 16 Februari 2018
Babi hài 18 Februari 2007 5 Februari 2019

Lampion merah digantung selama perayaan Tahun Baru Imlek sebagai makna keberuntungan
Kalender lunisolar Tionghoa menentukan tanggal Tahun Baru Imlek. Kalender tersebut juga digunakan di negara-negara yang telah mengangkat atau telah dipengaruhi oleh budaya Han (terutama di Korea, Jepang, dan Vietnam) dan mungkin memiliki asal yang serupa dengan perayaan Tahun Baru di luar Asia Timur (seperti Iran, dan pada zaman dahulu kala, daratan Bulgar).
Dalam kalender Gregorian, Tahun Baru Imlek jatuh pada tanggal yang berbeda setiap tahunnya, antara tanggal 21 Januari sampai 20 Februari. Dalam kalender Tionghoa, titik balik mentari musim dingin harus terjadi di bulan 11, yang berarti Tahun Baru Imlek biasanya jatuh pada bulan baru kedua setelah titik balik mentari musim dingin (dan kadang yang ketiga jika pada tahun itu ada bulan kabisat). Di budaya tradisional di Cina, lichun adalah waktu solar yang menandai dimulainya musim semi, yang terjadi sekitar 4 Februari.
Tanggal untuk Tahun Baru Imlek dari 1996 sampai 2019 (dalam penanggalan Gregorian) dapat dilihat di tabel di atas, bersamaan dengan shio hewan untuk tahun itu dan cabang duniawinya. Bersamaan dengan daur 12-tahun masing-masing dengan shio hewan ada daur 10-tahun batang surgawi. Setiap surgawi dikaitkan dengan salah satu dari lima elemen perbintangan Cina, yaitu: Kayu, Api, Bumi, Logam, dan Air. Unsur-unsur tersebut diputar setiap dua tahun sekali sementara perkaitan yin dan yang silih berganti setiap tahun. Unsur-unsur tersbut dengan itu dibedakan menjadi: Kayu Yang, Kayu Yin, Api Yang, Api Yin, dan seterusnya. Hal ini menghasilkan sebuah daur gabungan yang berulang setiap 60 tahun. Sebagai contoh, tahun dari Tikus Api Yang terjadi pada 1936 dan pada tahun 1996.
Banyak orang mengacaukan tahun kelahiran Tionghoa dengan tahun kelahiran Gregorian mereka. Karena Tahun Baru Imlek dapat dimulai pada akhir Januari sampai pertengahan Februari, tahun Tionghoa dari 1 Januari sampai hari imlek pada tahun baru Gregorian tetap tidak berubah dari tahun sebelumnya. Sebagai contoh, tahun ular 1989 mulai pada 6 Februari 1989. Tahun 1990 dianggap oleh beberapa orang sebagai tahun kuda. Namun, tahun ular 1989 secara resmi berakhir pada 26 Januari 1990. Ini berarti bahwa barang siapa yang lahir dari 1 Januari ke 25 Januari 1990 sebenarnya lahir pada tahun ular alih-alih tahun kuda.


Puisi Tahun Baru Imlek tulisan tangan ditempel pada pintu ke rumah orang, di Lijiang, Yunnan, Cina.
Menurut legenda, dahulu kala, Nián () adalah seekor raksasa pemakan manusia dari pegunungan (atau dalam ragam hikayat lain, dari bawah laut), yang muncul di akhir musim dingin untuk memakan hasil panen, ternak dan bahkan penduduk desa. Untuk melindungi diri merka, para penduduk menaruh makanan di depan pintu mereka pada awal tahun. DIpercaya bahwa melakukan hal itu Nian akan memakan makanan yang telah mereka siapkan dan tidak akan menyerang orang atau mencuri ternak dan hasil Panen. Pada suatu waktu, penduduk melihat bahwa Nian lari ketakutan setelah bertemu dengan seorang anak kecil yang mengenakan pakaian berwarna merah. Penduduk kemudian percaya bahwa Nian takut akan warna merah, sehingga setiap kali tahun baru akan datang, para penduduk akan menggantungkan lentera dan gulungan kerta merah di jendela dan pintu. Mereka juga menggunakan kembang api untuk menakuti Nian. Adat-adat pengurisan Nian ini kemudian berkempang menjadi perayaan Tahun Baru. Guò nián (Hanzi tradisional: 過年; bahasa Tionghoa: 过年), yang berarti "menyambut tahun baru", secara harafiah berarti "mengusir Nian".[1][2]
Sejak saat itu, Nian tidak pernah datang kembali ke desa. Nian pada akhirnya ditangkap oleh 鸿钧老祖 atau 鸿钧天尊Hongjun Laozu, seorang Pendeta Tao dan Nian kemudian menjadi kendaraan Honjun Laozu.


Sekitar masa tahun baru orang-orang memberi selamat satu sama lain dengan kalimat:

Tahun Baru Imlek di Indonesia

Di Indonesia, selama tahun 1968-1999, perayaan tahun baru Imlek dilarang dirayakan di depan umum. Dengan Instruksi Presiden Nomor 14 Tahun 1967, rezim Orde Baru di bawah pemerintahan Presiden Soeharto, melarang segala hal yang berbau Tionghoa, di antaranya Imlek.
Masyarakat keturunan Tionghoa di Indonesia kembali mendapatkan kebebasan merayakan tahun baru Imlek pada tahun 2000 ketika Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid mencabut Inpres Nomor 14/1967. Kemudian Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid menindaklanjutinya dengan mengeluarkan Keputusan Presiden Nomor 19/2001 tertanggal 9 April 2001 yang meresmikan Imlek sebagai hari libur fakultatif (hanya berlaku bagi mereka yang merayakannya). Baru pada tahun 2002, Imlek resmi dinyatakan sebagai salah satu hari libur nasional oleh Presiden Megawati Soekarnoputri mulai tahun 2003.



Biologically a child (plural: children) is generally a human between the stages of birth and puberty. Some vernacular definitions of a child include the fetus, as being an unborn child.[1] The legal definition of "child" generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority. "Child" may also describe a relationship with a parent (such as sons and daughters of any age)[2] or, metaphorically, an authority figure, or signify group membership in a clan, tribe, or religion; it can also signify being strongly affected by a specific time, place, or circumstance, as in "a child of nature" or "a child of the Sixties".[3]

Legal, biological, and social definitions

Population aged under 15 years in 2005
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child defines a child as "a human being below the age of 18 years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier".[4] Ratified by 192 of 194 member countries. Some English definitions of the word 'child' include the fetus and the unborn.[1] Biologically, a child is anyone between birth and puberty or in the developmental stage of childhood, between infancy and adulthood. Children generally have fewer rights than adults and are classed as not able to make serious decisions, and legally must always be under the care of a responsible adult.
Children playing ball games, Roman artwork, 2nd century AD
Recognition of childhood as a state different from adulthood began to emerge in the 16th and 17th centuries. Society began to relate to the child not as a miniature adult but as a person of a lower level of maturity needing adult protection, love and nurturing. This change can be traced in painting: In the Middle Ages, children were portrayed in art as miniature adults with no childish characteristics. In the 16th century, images of children began to acquire a distinct childish appearance. From the late 17th century onwards, children were shown playing. Toys and literature for children also began to develop at this time.[5]


Children in Namibia
All children go through stages of social development. An infant or very young child will play alone happily. If another child wanders onto the scene, he/she may be physically attacked or pushed out of the way. Next, the child is able to play with another child, gradually learning to share and take turns. Eventually, the group grows larger, to three or four children. By the time a child enters kindergarten, he or she is usually able to join in and enjoy group experiences.[6]
Children with ADHD and learning disabilities may need extra help in developing social skills. The impulsive characteristics of an ADHD child may lead to poor peer relationships. Children with poor attention spans may not tune in to social cues in their environment, making it difficult for them to learn social skills through experience.[6]

Age of responsibility

The age at which children are considered responsible for their society-bound actions (e. g. marriage, voting, etc.) has also changed over time, and this is reflected in the way they are treated in courts of law. In Roman times, children were regarded as not culpable for crimes, a position later adopted by the Church. In the 19th century, children younger than seven years old were believed incapable of crime. Children from the age of seven forward were considered responsible for their actions. Therefore, they could face criminal charges, be sent to adult prison, and be punished like adults by whipping, branding or hanging.[8] Today, in many countries like Canada and the United States, children twelve and older are held responsible for their actions and may be sent to special correctional institutions, such as juvenile hall.
Surveys have found that at least 25 countries around the world have no specified age for compulsory education. Minimum employment age and marriage age also vary. In at least 125 countries, children aged 7–15 may be taken to court and risk imprisonment for criminal acts. In some countries, children are legally obliged to go to school until they are 14 or 15 years old, but may also work before that age. A child's right to education is threatened by early marriage, child labour and imprisonment.[9]

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

The Amazing Spider-Man

The Amazing Spider-Man is a 2012 superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. It's a reboot to the Spider-Man film franchise and was released on July 3rd, 2012. Marc Webb has signed to direct the film and is also contracted for the two following films as well. 

A young Peter Parker is playing hide-and-seek with his scientist father Richard when he discovers that his father's (Richard Parker) study has been broken into. Richard gathers up some hidden documents and Peter's parents take him to the home of his Aunt May and Uncle Ben then mysteriously depart. Years later, a teenage Peter attends Midtown Science High School, where he's bullied by Flash Thompson and catches the eye of Gwen Stacy. At home, Peter finds Richard's hidden papers, and learns his father worked with fellow scientist Dr. Curt Connors at Oscorp. Faking his way into Oscorp as part of a new batch of interns, Peter sneaks into a lab where extremely strong "biocable" is being created from genetically-modified spiders, one of which bites him. On the subway ride home, awakening to bystanders on the subway, whom he scuffles with He discovers increased agility, strength, and spider like abilities. At home he discovers the spider that bit him which he stores away.
Parker introduces himself to the one-armed Dr. Connors at his home and gives Connors his father's "decay rate algorithm", the missing piece in Connors' experiments on regenerating limbs. Connors is being pressured by his superior, Dr. Ratha, to devise a cure for the dying Oscorp chief Norman Osborn.
In school, after besting Flash in a basketball match and inadvertedly destroying the hoop, Peter gets in trouble, forcing Uncle Ben to switch a work shift in order to meet with the principal; he tells Peter to pick up May tonight for him. After learning more about his new powers, he meets Dr. Connors at Oscorp, and, ignoring a call from Ben sees the limb-regeneration formula work on a laboratory mouse. When Peter returns home, Ben scolds him for having forgotten to pick up May, reminding him that his father believed that people should always make their responsibility their priority. A distraught Peter storms off, and when Ben goes looking for him. Peter attempts to buy a milk and falls two cents cents short and is refused service by the store clerk, The clerk is then robbed by a man peter refuses to apprehend. Ben sees the thief running and attempts to stop him. As Ben and the thief wrestle over a gun, Ben is killed before Peter's eyes and the murderer escapes.
Shortly afterward, using a police sketch of the killer. Peter uses his new abilities to hunt criminals matching the killer's description. After attacking a man who fit the description, he is chased by a gang and falls inside an abandoned gym, a luchador wrestling poster inspires him to create a mask. Later, he adds a Spandex suit for mobility and suddenly becomes a folk hero hunted by NYPD Capt. George Stacy, Gwen's father. Peter accepts Gwen's invitation to have dinner with her family and later admits being the masked vigilante to her.
Ratha fires Connors for refusing to immediately start human trials of the new drug. He takes a sample of the drug and plans to test it at a Veterans Administration hospital under the guise of flu shots. Desperate, Conners tries the formula on himself, and after passing out and awakening finds his missing arm has regenerated. However, he mutates into a powerful man-lizard hybrid and chases Ratha at Williamsburgh Bridge, sending cars over the side. Peter, now calling himself Spider-Man, saves each fallen car with the biocable "web" he fires from mechanical devices on his wrists.
Spider-Man confronts the Lizard in the sewers, barely escaping alive. Having learned Spider-Man's real identity, the Lizard attacks Peter at school and plans to unleash the drug all over Manhattan to mutate all humans into lizards using a cloud-generating device at Oscorp Tower, unaware that Gwen is there making an antidote for the condition at Peter's request. The police mobilizes to stop both him and Spider-Man, but are delayed when the Lizard infects officers with small dosages of the chemical. In the manhunt, Captain Stacy learns Spider-Man's real identity and allows him to go stop Connors while proceeding to the tower himself. Both of them fight together to delay the Lizard while Spider-Man modifies the machine to disperse the antidote instead, restoring the humanity of Connors and the infected officers, and allowing him to save Peter from a fatal fall from the tower.
Unfortunately, Lizard has mortally wounded Captain Stacy beforehand, and Stacy makes Peter promise to keep Gwen safe by staying away from her before he dies from his wounds. Peter initially does so, which offends Gwen until she realizes his reasons. While in class, Peter is told by a teacher to "not make promises he can't keep" to which Peter replies "but those are the best kind" while looking at Gwen. She smiles, and it is implied that the two resume their relationship. With his first challenge surmounted, Peter officially takes to the streets as a proper hero.
In a scene during the end credits, the now-imprisoned Connors speaks with a mysterious man who appears in his cell, who inquires about Connors divulging information about Peter's father. Connors tells the visitor to leave Parker alone, and the scene abruptly ends with flashes of lightning.